Overtightened Oil Filters: The Hidden Dangers You Might Not Know

19 Feb 2025 171

Oil filters are essential to keep your engine free of debris and wear. Changing your oil filter is a normal maintenance task that many drivers can do at home. However, overtightening the oil filter can potentially hurt your engine more than you think.

Causes of Overtightening Oil Filters

  • Using the wrong tools: Using the wrong tools, like an adjustable wrench, can unintentionally overtighten the oil filter.
  • Not knowing how tight it should be: Many drivers don't know how tight an oil filter should be, resulting in overtightening.
  • Fear of the filter coming loose: Worrying that the filter will come loose can cause drivers to overtighten it for safety.

Negative Effects of Overtightening Oil Filters

  1. Damaged oil filter: Overtightening the filter can bend or break it, reducing its filtering efficiency. Dirt can get into the engine and cause wear.

  2. Damaged oil filter gasket: The gasket is a seal that prevents oil leaks. Overtightening the filter can tear or deform the gasket, causing oil leaks.

  3. Damaged oil filter mount bolt: Overtightening the filter can strip or break the oil filter mount bolt, making it difficult to change the filter next time. Or you may need to drill out the damaged bolt, which is a difficult task and can damage the engine.

  4. Engine damage: In severe cases, overtightening the oil filter can damage the engine due to lack of lubrication. If the oil filter breaks or the gasket leaks, oil may leak out of the engine, causing the engine to be under-lubricated and eventually damaged.

How to Tighten the Oil Filter Correctly

  1. Read the repair manual: The repair manual for each car model has instructions on how to tighten the oil filter correctly.
  2. Use the right tools: Use the tools designed specifically for oil filters, such as an oil filter wrench.
  3. Tighten the oil filter by hand: In general, tightening the oil filter by hand is sufficient. No need to use tools.
  4. Check the tightness after starting the engine: After changing the oil filter, start the engine and check for oil leaks. If you find any leaks, tighten the filter a little more.

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